Against Time and Death - Kickstarter ending soon!

A duet roleplaying game about a forbidden relationship between two elite operatives on opposite sides of a multiversal time war. The Kickstarter campaign ends Feb 25th!

Against Time and Death - Kickstarter ending soon!
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Locked in a total war for all of time and space, you fight for one of two factions striving to fundamentally remake reality. You are their best operative, a virtuoso at manipulating the weave of the multiverse. Your power is immense; you wield it with delicate precision or catastrophic force based on the needs of the mission, and your own inclination.

You’re about to meet your match.

Against Time and Death is a two-player tabletop roleplaying game by Nick Bate about a secret relationship between two elite operatives on opposite sides of an epic time war. Prisoner's dilemma-like playing card mechanics drive intimate narratives that ask whether two rivals can find meaning together in the middle of a war whose stakes are nothing less than the multiverse itself. Will you reach out for a better world, knowing that it might cost you everything? 

From a low angle, a black silhouetted figure pointing a gun. They wear blue glasses, with a blue insignia on their lapel. Buildings loom over them, illuminated in red.
An example of the artwork in store for Against Time and Death, created by Paul Tomes

Against Time and Death is inspired by the award-winning queer sci-fi romance novella This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. During the game players take turns framing strange, beautiful, drama-filled moments across the multiverse; inventing ingenious ways to twist those moments into new futures; and writing heartfelt letters cleverly concealed from the scrutiny of their ever-vigilant masters.

The stories created in Against Time and Death are so full-throated it is impossible not to be moved by this game. Just the perfect level of support and nudging from the elegant story mechanics to allow your own creativity to take flight. 

- Becky Annison, Black Armada Games

The Kickstarter campaign runs until February 25th, and will fund the creation of a full-colour 48-page zine containing:

  • Stylish new art by Paul Tomes, such as the images you see above
  • Narrative gameplay with high-stakes decisions based on limited information
  • Helpful guidance on framing scenes, taking action, and writing letters
Digital mockups showing a stack of three Against Time and Death zines.
A digital mockup of what the final zine might look like

The campaign has also funded the creation of four quickstart playsets, each consisting of two rival concepts, factions, and operatives - everything you need to dive straight into your time war. These playsets will be designed by four powerhouse game design duos:

  • The Storybrewers, Hayley Gordon and Vee Hendro. Designers of Good Society: The Jane Austen RPG and Fight With Spirit.
  • The Brain Trust, Adam Vass and Will Jobst. Designers of This Discord Has Ghosts In It and hosts of the Brain Trust podcast.
  • A Couple of Drakes, Navi and Shawn Drake. Designers of Court of Blades, Skyworthy, and Fe Borg.
  • MacGuffin & Co., Sasha Sienna and Jonathan Sims. Designers of Pitcrawler and Odd Jobs. (Plus the Magnus thing!)
Against Time and Death has produced some of the most heartfelt, intense, beautiful, narratively satisfying roleplaying experiences of my life, and I can't wait to share it with you all!

- Nick Bate, designer of Against Time and Death
Sign up to the Against Time and Death Kickstarter at this link. The campaign ends on February 25th, so don't miss out!