Aegean: The Isle of Pelops now on Kickstarter
Return to Mythic Greece in this new supplement for the Aegean RPG

Aegean is a tabletop roleplaying game of mythic heroes in Ancient Greece, building a new, free city on the shores of the Aegean Sea. With neighbouring cities to trade or war with, and monsters to battle, all while trying to appease the gods, the Aegean RPG immerses you in the epic world of Greek mythology.
Now on Kickstarter, a new supplement for Aegean has just launched. The Isle of Pelops is a setting guide for the prominent cities and sanctuaries of the Peloponnesos, along with new adventures and player character options. Featuring detailed guides to the settings including the mythology and history that shapes the area, along with the most important and influential people who may cross paths with the player characters, and new mystery cults for them to join.
Included in the book will be...
Mykenai, ancient citadel, famed for its Lion Gate and future home of King Agamemnon. There are many plots your Heroes may involve themselves with here, including supporting either Atreus or Thyestes in their bid for power or maintaining the status quo through support of King Eurystheus. By James Barton.
Tiryns, once the home of Perseus and jewel of the Peloponnesos, is in decline, over-shadowed by its more prominent neighbours. Can your Heroes raise the city to its former glory or is it doomed to forever live in the shadow of its neighbours? By Michael Duxbury.
Favoured by Hera and the birth-place of Perseus, the city of Argos is now torn between the rulership of three kings. Will your Heroes support one of the three kings and overthrow the others? By Michael Duxbury.
While not the capital of Elis, Olympia is the home of the greatest of the Panhellenic games and the most popular city in the region. Will your Heroes compete in the games or step aside for other athletes and officiate instead? By Yvris Burke.
Sparta, home of the most feared warriors in Hellas. How will your Heroes fare against them and what will they do about the injustices in Spartan society? By Stoo Goff.
The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus is the home of the cult of the god of healing. What need do your Heroes have to visit the healers and what might the healers need in return? By Stoo Goff.
Messenia, home of Nestor in the Iliad but a client state of Sparta during the Archaic and Classical periods. Will your Heroes attempt to end the misery of the Messenian people and face down Sparta itself? By Stoo Goff.

The book will be available in digital, print on demand, and printed hardback, and if you've never sampled the world of Aegean before, you can add the core rulebook and the previous supplements (The Book of Heroes, and The Book of Empires) to your pledge.
The Kickstarter ends on the 30th November 2024, and you can find out more here: