ADHd20 Somehow Made it to Season Four?

Hosts Alison "AK" Kendrick and Matt Bivins are as surprised as you are that two people with ADHD who love TTRPGs are still working on this podcast after four years.

ADHd20 Somehow Made it to Season Four?
ADHd20: Where ADHD, TTRPGs, and a little bit of Satanic panic collide in the best possible way.
This is a community submitted press release.

In the fourth and probably-not-final season of ADHd20, a podcast that finds the intersection between ADHD and TTRPGs, we find your favorite giggling goblins Matt and AK branching out a little bit from past seasons…and succumbing more fully to their use of satanic tools.

"We already play D&D and other TTRPGs, so there is very little doubt that we're going to Hell," intones Matt Bivins, co-host of the podcast. "Why not add a little Tarot card use into the show? It's AK's favorite divination device."

The hosts will hit their 50th episode this season, a "Golden Jubilee". Considering that the podcast was started as a joke but has since become a huge part of their personality, Matt and AK are quite pleased with themselves.

"Dark Lord Beelzebub below! How have two people with ADHD managed to pull off fifty episodes of a podcast? I don't even listen to podcasts!!" screams AK.

Truth be told, Season Three was shorter by necessity. Matt and AK are part of The Pocket Dimension network, an online platform for content related to TTRPGs, including the award-winning narrative podcast and actual play, The Adventures of Bud & Herb. This commitment took time away from their "very public therapy sessions," the recording of ADHd20. Nevertheless, Season 3 saw the duo address topics such as how neurodivergent brains cope with grief both in-game and IRL, the importance of "knowing the Why" for people with ADHD, and a deep dive into the Stunned Condition, a mechanic relevant to both D&D and ADHD.

Guests for Season Three included neuroscientist and ADHD coach Brittany Smith of the MacVoices podcast, YouTube intellect Skyler the ADHDM, and Seth McKay of Seth of All Trades, fresh off of an ADHD diagnosis.

In Season Four, Matt and AK will continue to wait until the very last minute to lock down topics for each episode, but guests are being booked now, and the hosts plan to broaden their talks…beyond acronyms! "We now know everything that you could possibly know about ADHD," Matt gushes, "So it's time to branch out, and learn about other types of neurodivergent brains, other disabilities, and how these challenges might impact your game."

ADHd20 Season Four premieres on Wednesday March 19, 2025.

"We only recently discovered that Matt's wife has been profoundly deaf since birth." AK continues. "This is huge! How can we make her experience at our table more inclusive and accessible?"

Having finally exhausted their thought-provoking ADHD/TTRPG questions from the renowned "d100 Table," the hosts will introduce a new mechanic at the start of each episode: invoking demonic forces by drawing from a Tarot deck. Matt explains, "AK has gone full woo-woo over the last four years and now uses Tarot to manage her ADHD symptoms. The dark powers within the cards assist her in answering challenging questions like, 'Should I apply for this new job?', 'Will I find love with hunky D&D enthusiast Joe Manganiello?', and 'What's for breakfast?'. It has helped her so much, so we thought we’d bring a taste of that terrifying and delicious Satanic power to the show this season."

Great stuff. Please join us for an exciting Season Four!

You can find all seasons of ADHd20 on your favorite podcaster of choice, on The Pocket Dimenson's YouTube, and even clips on the similarly-sinister ADHd20 TikTok.