A Fool's Errand: new mini series and TTRPG from Planet Arcana

A new, self-contained mini series by long-running actual play Planet Arcana using their upcoming game of the same name.

A Fool's Errand: new mini series and TTRPG from Planet Arcana
A Fool's Errand logo, white with a black and pink backdrop, set on a black and white swirly starry background.
This is a community submitted press release.
Who defends the realm of collective consciousness?

The Network Defenders have long been a subtle protective influence over the realm of dreams and data. Now, half the Network Defenders have gone missing. With KnightFall’s most recent disappearance, can Snowshoe and his deadly crew find the missing Defenders and save themselves from the sleepwalkers, glitches, and their own worst memories?

The Network Defenders - Theme Song (by J Strautman and B Marsollier, with additional voices by Drakoniques, Samm Star, & Noordin Ali Kadir)

The Network Defenders is the first instalment of Planet Arcana’s new side series, A Fool’s Errand. These self contained stories are suitable for new listeners and those up-to-date with the long-running campaign.

This first instalment features new guest players Drakoniques (Beyond the Brook) and Samm Star (Transplanar), returning guest player Noordin Ali Kadir (GUDIYA), and main cast members J Strautman and B Marsollier as the game runners. Other Planet Arcana main cast add their fingerprints to the final product with Shaun Oldfield as tech producer and video editor. Peter Marsollier and Skye Wallace provide additional production assistance.

J Strautman remains as editor, composer, and sound designer for the instalment, with B Marsollier providing additional music and lyrics.

Episode 1 premieres Tuesday, June 25th at 8:30pm ET on both Planet Arcana’s and Rusty Quill’s YouTube channels.

The episodes are pre-recorded audio format, but will premiere alongside a bespoke visualizer featuring custom illustrations by B Marsollier.

Click "Notify Me" for a reminder when Episode 1 premieres.

A Fool's Errand - Tabletop RPG

These instalments highlight the upcoming tabletop roleplaying game A Fool’s Errand, designed by Planet Arcana’s double GM unit (and game designers in their own right), J Strautman and B Marsollier.

Rider-Waite Tarot art of The Fool and The World.

The Major Arcana are Gods.

But you are The Fool, on a calamitous journey to see The World.

Build your Tarot deck, shape your own Big Oops, and ultimately fulfil or deny your obligations to the Major Arcana as you explore a science-fantasy world of Androids and Humans.

In late 2024, A Fool's Errand will launch on Kickstarter.

At a glance...

The Network Defenders - Mini Series

  • First instalment of self-contained stories set in Planet Arcana canon
    • Appropriate for new listeners or fans caught up with the main campaign
  • Multi-medium release
    • Sound designed and scored audio format on the Planet Arcana podcast feed
    • Bespoke accompanying visualization for full episode on Planet Arcana & Rusty Quill YouTube channels
  • Premiering June 25th, then releasing bi-weekly
    • 3 episodes, ~1 hour runtime each
  • Cast
    • Starring new guests Drakoniques & Samm Star, and returning guest Noordin Ali Kadir
    • Double GM’ed by J Strautman & B Marsollier

A Fool’s Errand - The Game

Planet Arcana - The Podcast

  • Three-time award winning
    • Most Outstanding Actual Play Podcast (D&D) at New Jersey Webfest 2023
    • Best Actual Play Podcast (D&D) at Minnesota Webfest 2023
    • Best Game Masters at Minnesota Webfest 2023
  • Established in 2021, 70+ episodes into the main campaign
  • Uses a heavily homebrewed 5e framework as the story engine
  • A world of Humans and Androids, with the Tarot deck’s Major Arcana as the pantheon of deities