A Call to Compete is itchfunding!

Bringing a taste of fighting games to tabletop

A Call to Compete is itchfunding!
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The envelope is pale cream, the textured paper stamped with a red wax seal. There is no address, just your name. The handwriting is neat and flowing and, when you break the seal, eloquent in its writing. “You are cordially invited to the 284th Tournament of Challengers…”
The game.

A Call to Compete is a tabletop game inspired by classic 1-on-1 fighting games like Mortal Kombat, Tekken and Street Fighter. In it, you’ll choose a fighter and build your combo in matches against your opponent, each striving to counter each other and execute your finisher first.

The game uses two dice pools for its core gameplay, with three base ways to play. Stages add further options and complications to each bout, and each fighter has unique talents that create interesting dynamics. A Call to Compete is designed with beginners in mind, tracking your progress with visual indicators and leaving behind the steep learning curves and reaction-time-based aspects that can make typical fighting games daunting.

The fighters.

This initial release includes two fighters to play as, Glitch and Granit, as well as their combo tracks and unique stages.

Glitch enters the competition ripped from her rightful place, a platformer, and fights to return home. Playing as Glitch will see you making frequent use of her air dash, as well as exploiting bugs in the code. This is just a minigame, right?

Granit, meanwhile, is an animate stone circle, brought to life by the love and creativity of those failed by society. He fights to gain the power he needs to shield those who have come to be his family. Playing as Granit means building a strong foundation and disrupting your opponent’s attacks, all while moving forward with the inevitability that only one as old as stone can carry.

More to come.

A Call to Compete is already a comprehensive ruleset for bringing fighting games to tabletop, but it’s not complete. There are four more fighters to come, as well as a host of additional rules, gameplay styles and additional options with the potential to be added.

At the forefront of this is art for each fighter. Past projects have had limited or simplistic art, due to limitations in budget. For this game the aim is to branch out and enlist the talents of the many fantastic artists within the tabletop scene.

To accomplish this, the game is releasing early for itchfunding! It will be available at a reduced price for at least the next six months to help gather funds to pay for art. In that time the other fighters will be in development, as well as the additional rules and gameplay options, all of which will be available to those that support this project at the reduced price.

You can find this and all other releases from The Copper Compendium on itch.io. Get the game here!