They endorse the Democratic ticket under the slogan “Harris/Walz: It’s the Correct Play.”

Today, more than 800 creators of the world’s most popular games and puzzles endorsed Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president. These designers, artists, writers, publishers, and reviewers are among the world’s foremost experts in game strategy. They endorse the Democratic ticket under the slogan “Harris/Walz: It’s the Correct Play.”
“Kamala Harris is a winner,” the game creators write on the site. “She has presided over the best economy in the world. She’s an ardent defender of reproductive rights. She has battled crime, fought for the downtrodden, and supported American workers. She stands with our allies and stands up to our enemies abroad. She knows how things are done and she gets them done.”
The creators continue: “She’s one of the two things we gamers like the most: She’s competitive. On Sunday, July 21, Harris was doing a puzzle with her family over waffles. On Monday, July 22, she had unified the entire party, clinched the nomination, and built a solid campaign. She’s an inspiring, groundbreaking candidate. If we show out for her, she’ll be the first female president of the United States.”
“Her first decision was to choose Minnesota governor Tim Walz as her running mate,” the creators write. “Walz is the other thing we gamers like the most: He’s cooperative. He’s the guy you want in your party. As governor, Walz has presided over an expansion of the safety net, lifted up his constituents, and done it with charm and grace. Plus, he loves his Sega Dreamcast. Our kind of guy.”
The creators have some words for the Republican ticket: “The other guys? Trump and Vance are what we despise: cheaters. They run on fear, rage, and denial of rights. Everything out of their mouths is horrible: ‘They’re eating the dogs.’ ‘Childless cat ladies.’ ‘Suspend the Constitution.’ It’s the worst. And their policies are even worse. Project 2025 spells out a fascist agenda that will destroy the government and the rights of Americans. Trump is an insurrectionist grifter who’s been found liable for sexual assault, convicted of fraud, fined hundreds of millions of dollars, and is facing years in jail. Not our kind of guy at all.”
The creators conclude: “We make games because we like competition and cooperation. We’ve been given two candidates who express those qualities beautifully. If you like our games, do us and yourselves a solid. Join #Gamers4Harris this November and vote, volunteer, and donate money for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.”
The message is followed by a list of more than 800 game creators.
For more information, use the Contact Us form at https://gamers4harris.org/contact-us/
- Teos Abadia, Designer (Alphastream.org)
- Rick Achberger, Design Manager (Xbox)
- Peter Adkison, Chairperson of the Board (Gen Con LLC)
- Julie Ahern, Senior Director of Operations (Van Ryder)
- Larry Ahern, Game Designer/Writer/Artist (Curse of Monkey Island, Agent P’s World Showcase Adventure)
- Russell A. Akred, Graphic Designer/Game Master
- Scott Alden, Founder (BoardGameGeek)
- Avery Alix, Executive Producer
- Trey Alsup, CEO (WhishCraft Simulations)
- Keith Ammann, Author (The Monsters Know What They’re Doing)
- Michael Andersen, Owner (ARGNet)
- Eddy Anderson, Writer (Scroll for Initiative)
- David Andre, Puzzler/Founder/Scientist (Shinteki, Google X)
- Shannon Appelcline, Historian (Designers & Dragons)
- Rennie Araucto, President (Zombie Orpheus Entertainment—The Gamers, JourneyQuest, Demon Hunters, Strowlers, Dark Dungeons)
- Marco Arnaudo, Professor/Reviewer/Designer
- Richard Aronson, Lead Game Designer
- Andrew Ashcraft, Owner/Game Designer (Giantsdance Games)
- Heather Ashcraft, Co-Owner/RPG Designer/AP Actor (Pick Up & Go Games, ValyGirl Designs)
- Monty Ashley, Writer
- Alan Au, Game Designer
- Joe Aubrey, Director of Communications (Stonemaier Games)
- Henry Audubon, Game Designer (Parks, Trails, Cosmoctopus)
- Nicholas Avallone, Illustrator/Graphic Designer
- Garth Avery, Game Designer (GL HF Games—Primordial Secrets, Guilds of Goldwood)
- Michael Azzolino, Streamer
- Owen B, Crossword Constructor
- Tuesday Badell, Director (Unpublished Games Network)
- Keith Baker, Game Designer (Twogether Studios)
- Richard Balsley, Writer/Editor
- Cam Banks, Creative Director/Designer/Developer (Dire Wolf Digital, Cortex)
- Paul Barclay, Designer (Wizards of the Coast, Dragon Foundry)
- Mina Barr, Partner (Badger & Bobcat, LLP)
- Elizabeth Barrial, Co-Owner (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab)
- Ted Barrial, Co-Owner (Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab)
- Ben Bass, Cryptogram Writer (New York Times)
- Tim Beach, Director (Beach House RPGs)
- Alan Bean, Owner/Operator (Copperplate Illustrations)
- Tyler Beck, Game Designer
- Jerry Belich, Senior Content Designer (Squanch Games)
- Jadyne Bell, Game Designer (Spotlight)
- Bill Benham, TRPG Producer (Wizards of the Coast)
- Brian Berg, Creative Director (Total Party Kill Games)
- Eric Berlin, Puzzle Designer/Author (Puzzlesnacks)
- Simon Berman, Owner (Brush Wielders Union)
- Kid Beyond, Musician/Game & Puzzle Designer
- Erik Bigglestone, Co-Owner (Games of Berkeley)
- Johnathan Bingham, Artist/Game Designer (Ostensible Cat Design)
- Leanne Binns, Game Developer
- Sean Bircher, Author/Editor
- Dylan Birtolo, Game Designer
- Barak Blackburn, Designer/Publisher/Owner (Density Media)
- Jolly Blackburn, Publisher (Kenzer/Knights of the Dinner Table)
- Desmond Blackstone, Owner (HeartBeatDice)
- Alan Blaine, Principal Designer (Bungie/Destiny 2)
- Sol Blair, Artist (Malevolent Minis)
- Daniel Block, Founder (Best Hobby)
- Joseph Blomquist, Owner (Saturday Morning Games)
- DM Bluddworth, Content Creator (Unscripted & Unchained RPG Review)
- Bill Bodden, TTRPG Writer/Fiction Author (Onyx Path, Modiphius)
- Logan Boese, Writer
- Aljernon Bolden, Director of Technology (Harebrained Schemes)
- Logan Bonner, Pathfinder Lead Designer (Paizo, Wizards of the Coast)
- Clinton Boomer, Game Designer (Pathfinder 1E)
- John Borba, Producer (Backdrop Games and Tabletop)
- Bryan Borgman, Owner/Top Creative (Bailey Records)
- Bryan Bornmueller, Creative Sourcing and Development Manager (Office Dog)
- Jay Borsom, Writer/Designer (Liquid Kourage Entertainment/PTE Network)
- Jeffrey Bourbeau, Developer
- Ed Bourelle, Owner (SkeletonKey Games)
- Christopher Bowen, Co-Founder (Bowens Board Games)
- Dan Brandt, Senior Project Manager (The Pokémon Company International, Privateer Press)
- Timothy Brannan, Game Designer (The Other Side)
- Bruce Brenneise, Artist (Magic, D&D, Slay the Spire, Numenera)
- Reuben Bresler, Game Design Instructor, Game Designer (NYFA, Authors of Fate)
- Bill Bridges, Writer/Game Designer (Fading Suns, World of Darkness)
- Ian Brody, Designer (Quartermaster General, War of the Ring Card Game)
- Chad Brown, Lead Developer (Lone Shark Games)
- Stan! Brown, Cartoonist/Game Designer (50 Years in the Dungeon, D20 Modern, Dragonlance: Fifth Age)
- Tory Brown, Designer (Votes for Women)
- Peggy Brown, Owner (Peggy Brown Creative)
- Joseph Browning, Owner (Expeditious Retreat Press)
- Jennifer Brozek, Author/Editor/Media Tie-In Writer
- Phil Brucato, Creative Director (Quiet Thunder Productions)
- Adam Buckingham, Game Designer/Developer
- Austin Buelt, Head Painter (3D-Printed Miniatures)
- Eric Burgess, CEO (3SidedCard)
- Ken Burnside, President/Creative Director (Ad Astra Games—Attack Vector: Tactical, Squadron Strike, Federation Commander)
- Alison Burrell, Product Photographer/Channel Personality (Play the Game HQ)
- David Buswell-Wible, Videographer
- Jim Butler, President (Paizo Inc.)
- Eric Cagle, Professor of Game Design (Digipen Institute of Technology)
- Candi Campbell, Owner (RPGPAD)
- Craig Campbell, Game Designer (NerdBurger Games—CAPERS Cyberpunk)
- T Campbell, Creator (Ubercross)
- Charlie Cantrell, Writer (Changeling: The Dreaming, Trinity Continuum: Aether, AMP Affiliation Guide: Retribution)
- Jason Carl, Game Designer
- Rob Carlos, Art Director/Illustrator (Beach House RPGs)
- Tracey Carlos, Assistant Editor (Beach House RPGs)
- Shawn Carman, Creative Director (Kyoudai Games)
- Elizabeth Carpenter, Maze & Game Designer (Mazeology)
- Grace Carras, Social Media Manager
- Joseph Carriker, Designer/Writer
- Bart Carroll, Writer, Digital Marketer
- Mark Carroll, Writer
- Eric Carter, Artist (Eminent Domain, Dominion, Fleet)
- Michele Carter, Editor (TSR, Wizards of the Coast)
- Travis Casey, Game Designer (Ebon Gryphon Games)
- Joe Cassavaugh, CEO/Designer/Engineer (Puzzles By Joe)
- Dave Chalker, Game Designer (Get Bit!, Thunder Road: Vendetta, Talisman: Alliances, Betrayal at House on the Hill 3e)
- Jamie Chambers, Writer/Game Designer (Serenity, Battlestar Galactica, Supernatural, Dragonlance)
- John Chambers, Designer/Editor/Writer
- John Chaneski, Producer/Host (World Famous Quiz Nights)
- Echo Chernik, Artist (Echo-X)
- Lazarus Chernik, Creative Director/Writer/Game & Graphic Designer (Echo-X)
- Andrea Chin, Game & Graphic Designer (Card Kingdom)
- Sam Chupp, Founder (Sam Chupp Media)
- Jason Ciaramella, Writer (C is for Cthulhu)
- Chris Cieslik, Owner/Lead Designer (Asmadi Games)
- Brian Cimmet, Podcaster/Crossword Tournament Organizer (Fill Me In/Lollapuzzoola)
- Galen Ciscell, Designer (Atlantis Rising)
- Jeffrey Cisneros, Writer/Author (Shadows of Selastos, Celestial Chorus Revised)
- Tara Clapper, Storyteller (Storyteller Supply LLC)
- Casey Clark, Owner (Spartacus Publishing)
- Kevin Clark, Creative Director (Director’s Cut Games)
- Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, RPG & Board Game Editor
- Kelly Cline, Culinary Director (Valve)
- The Co-Creators of Cards Against Humanity, Co-Creators (Cards Against Humanity)
- Alexander Cobian, Game & Puzzle Designer
- Simeon Cogswell, Graphic & Layout Designer (Chaosium)
- Adam Cohen, Puzzle Writer/Editor
- Elizabeth Coleman, Owner (Cheshire Moon, Crowe and Dove Records)
- Andy Collins, CEO/Design Lead (Bold Cat Studios)
- George Collins, President (Alcon Interactive)
- Anya Combs, Games Consultant
- Steve Conley, Author, Designer, & Illustrator (Intoximancy, The Prayer’s Handbook, The Middle Age)
- Adam Conus, Customer Experience Manager (Flowplay)
- Stephen Conway, Director (The Spiel Foundation)
- Amber Cook, Games Marketer
- David ”Zeb” Cook, Game Designer
- Darren Cooke, Writer/Guild Master (Thieves Guild)
- Brian Coppola, Designer/Playtester (Brian Coppola Design)
- Bill Corey, Podcaster
- Jeremy Corff, RPG Writer
- Jay Cormier, Owner (Off the Page Games)
- Hector Cornejo, Colorist/Inker/Penciller (Marvel Comics, Marvel Studios)
- Julio Corona, TTRPG Creator (Dragoncrown Games)
- Raven & River Correll, Owners (Kraken Bay Games)
- Matt Cowger, Partner (Transient Press)
- Jeremy Cranford, Senior Art Outsource Manager (Second Dinner—Marvel Snap)
- Jeremy Crawford, Game Director (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Thaddeus Crawford, Game Designer/Store Manager
- Wes Crawford, Designer (Engine Thieves, Raid on St. Albans, The Pursuit of John Wilkes Booth)
- Randall Crews, Sales Operations (Wizards of the Coast)
- Doc Cross, Writer/Blogger/Podcaster
- Katherine Cross, RPG Writer
- Hans Cummings, Voice Actor/Author/Publisher (VFF Publishing, Hans Cummings VO)
- Michael Curry, Designer/Writer/Editor (7th Sea, Chaosium)
- Alex Cutler, Head of Development/Designer (Pandasaurus Games—Critter Kitchen, Expancity, Team 3)
- Kevin Czarnecki, Senior Writer (Catalyst Game Labs)
- Jim Dagg, Designer (Saddle Shaped Games)
- Jeff Dahl, TTRPG/LARP Game Designer
- Adam Daigle, Director of Narrative (Paizo)
- Kristy Dalangini, Author/Dungeon Master
- Matt Daley, Game Designer (Legendary Games)
- Michael Kindt Dalzen, Game Designer/Producer (Sea of Legends)
- Ryan Dancey, Chief Operating Officer (Alderac Entertainment Group)
- Liz Danforth, Artist/Writer/Game Developer/Editor
- Richard Dansky, Narrative Director/Writer (The Division 1&2, Hunt: Showdown 1896, Wraith: the Oblivion)
- Carol Darnell, Editor
- Lane Daughtry, Owner (TinkerHouse Games)
- James Davis, Lead Producer (PUBG Seattle)
- Luke Davis, Assistant Director of Admissions (Gaming Education)
- R.E. Davis, RPG Author (Sigil & Shadow)
- R P Davis, President (Kabouter Games)
- Danielle Davis, CEO (Ladykiller)
- Crystal Dax, Podcast Host (Board Game Blitz)
- Patrick Day, Business Development (Distribution)
- Erik Scott de Bie, Author/Game Designer)
- John De Campos, Owner (Terrible Games)
- Anne-Marie De Witt, CEO/Co-Founder (Fireside Games/Castle Panic, Ultimatch, Zoomies)
- Justin De Witt, COO/Co-Founder (Fireside Games/Castle Panic, Ultimatch, Zoomies)
- Jeff Dee, Artist/Game Designer (Dungeons & Dragons, Villains & Vigilantes)
- Dave Deenik, Customer Relationship Manager (Stonemaier Games)
- Chas DeLong, Production Consultant/Senior Product Engineer/Production Manager (Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, Heroclix)
- Ezra Denney, Streaming GM & Podcaster (Keep the Game Moving)
- Krupal Desai, Analytics Engineer
- Dennis Detwiller, Creative Director (Arc Dream/Delta Green)
- Chris Dias, Owner (Dias Ex Machina)
- Storm DiCostanzo, CFO (JoCo Cruise)
- Zachary DiDomenick, Owner (That Guy in the Jacket LLC)
- Lucas Diercouff, Gamemaster (Lurking Fears)
- Robert Dijkman Dulkes, Designer (Penny Press)
- Jamie Dillion, Designer (Thornwatch)
- Frank DiLorenzo, Designer/Publisher
- Stephen DiPesa, Author/Developer
- Ben Dobyns, Producer (The Gamers, JourneyQuest, Strowlers, Dark Dungeons)
- Scott Dodson, VP Marketing (Holded)
- Tim Dolloff, Host (Board Game Hot Takes Podcast)
- Dale Donovan, Game Designer/Editor
- John Doppler, Puzzle Constructor (Geckoplex, Crucifurball)
- Tom Dowd, Designer/Writer (Shadowrun, MechAssault)
- Darrin Drader, Publisher (Darrin Drader Designs)
- Brian Duckwitz, Game Writer/Designer
- Jade Duguay, Game Designer
- Matt Dukes, Author/Blogger (Critical Hits)
- Jefferson Dunlap, Graphic Prepress Manager (Wizards of the Coast)
- John Dunn, Publisher/Designer (Melior Via, LLC—Star Wars RPG, Warhammer 40,000 RPG, Shadowrun RPG, Legend of the Five Rings RPG)
- Jason Durall, Editor/Writer/Designer (Chaosium, Modiphius, Monolith)
- Andrew & Heleen Durston, Writers (The Campaign Nook)
- Kate Edwards, CEO/Consultant
- Brad Elliott, Game Designer/Developer
- Mike Elliott, Game Designer (Duel Masters TCG, Battle Spirits TCG, Thunderstone)
- Scott Elliott, CEO (Keyrune Incorporated)
- Chad Ellis, Game Designer/CEO/Owner (Boda Borg Boston)
- Steve Ellis, Owner/Managing Partner (Free RPG Day)
- Robert Emerson, Game Designer
- Geoffrey Engelstein, Game Designer/Educator
- Sean Epperson, Creative Director (Thing 12 Games)
- Todd Etter, Puzzle & Game Creator (The Famine Game, Shinteki Puzzle of the Month)
- Bloom Evermore, Game Artist (Blooms Illustration)
- Steve Ewoldt, Owner/Designer (BlackSpot Games—4 the Birds! What the Flock?!)
- Robert Fairbanks, RPG Game Designer
- Jim Fallone, Proprietor (Signal Sphere 8)
- Sean Patrick Fannon, Owner/Writer/Designer (Portalis Publishing)
- Matt Fantastic, Creative Director (Forever Stoked Creative)
- Adam Farrar, Lawyer
- Jacob Fathbruckner, Founder (RPL Ltd.—Chaos Wars 2nd Ed.)
- Kiva Fecteau, Owner (Gold Dragon Games)
- Douglas Ferguson, President (Ravenous Wolf, Inc.)
- James Fields, Purchasing Supervisor (Board Game Distribution)
- Mark Finn, Zine Publisher (Human Gorilla Creations)
- Reuven Fischer, Content Creator
- Josh Fischer, Account Manager
- Miklos Fitch, Content Creator (Our Family Plays Games LLC)
- Starla Fitch, Content Creator (Our Family Plays Games LLC)
- Alex Flagg, Partner/Lead Designer (Crafty Games)
- Michelle Flamm, Senior Systems Designer (Bioware)
- Charlie Fleiss, Storyteller (Undying LAR, LLC)
- Charlie Fleming, Publisher/Editor/Writer (Rarr! I’m A Monster Publishing)
- Sean Fletcher, Senior Game Designer
- David Flor, President (Darklight Interactive)
- Randy Flynn, Game Designer (Cascadia, Tabriz, Cats & Dragons)
- Bill Fogarty, Marketing Director (Mayfair Games)
- Phil Foglio, Cartoonist/Illustrator (Studio Foglio)
- Josh Fohrman, Proprietor (Game On Arizona, Explorers of Enteja)
- Matt Forbeck, Writer/Game Designer
- Josh Foreman, Senior Designer (Netflix)
- Scott Forster, Videographer
- Daniel D. Fox, Creative Director of Games (SLLSWRD Studio/Zweihander RPG)
- Cliff Francisque, Artist/modeler (N/a)
- Carl Frank, Artis