RPG publisher that promised not to use Web3 technology in their business does it anyway

Evil Genius Games wants to sell you a digital version of Rambo’s M60 for roleplay purposes.

RPG publisher that promised not to use Web3 technology in their business does it anyway
Credit: Evil Genius Games/YouTube

Evil Genius Games, a tabletop RPG publisher best known for D20 Modern and the Everyday Heroes system, has been caught reneging on its promise not to directly develop Web3 technologies. According to ENWorld, CEO Dave Scott presented a version of EGG’s future marketplace to panelists at Consensus 2024—the Texas-based, Coindesk-owned convention that purports to “[bring] together all sides of the cryptocurrency, blockchain, and Web3 community.”

Scott pitched the three judges—as this was a competition—on a supposed version of EGG’s current online webstore that would heavily leverage NFTs and blockchain technology and Evil Genius’ portfolio of entertainment licenses, chiefly for blockbuster films. After earning nearly $400,000 on Kickstarter for the Everyday Heroes core system, EGG designers transmuted several film licenses into associated adventure modules, namely Pacific Rim, The Crow, King Kong, and Rambo. Scott admits that EGG doesn’t yet possess the infrastructure to support an NFT marketplace but is confident in their ability to pivot existing digital sales (which apparently earned $1.2 million in revenue last year, according to Scott’s presentation) into a blockchained-powered business model.

That proposed business model is pretty straightforward: transform as many digital or intellectual “goods” into minted items that can be valued, bought, and sold by other Web3 enthusiasts. “What we're really excited about is the idea that we can use blockchain to be able to control the value and to create value around the objects which make up your character. That's going to be a really important component of it,” Scott told the judges during a post-pitch Q&A. “If you actually create, for example, an adventure on our system, that'll be something that you own as the creator from here on out.”

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